Devenez membre HT

VDL Zirocco Blue N.O.P. to Rio !

18 juil. 2016 14.19

Yesterday team coach Rob Ehrens announced the Dutch team for the Olympic Games and we received the great news that VDL Zirocco Blue N.O.P. and Jur Vrieling are selected!

The following horses and riders are in the team:

SFN Zenith N.O.P. , ridden by Jeroen Dubbeldam
Emerald van’t Ruytershof N.O.P. , ridden by Harry Smolders
VDL Groep Verdi N.O.P. , ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten
VDL Zirocco Blue N.O.P. , ridden by Jur Vrieling
Glock’s London N.O.P. , ridden by Gerco Schröder


@picture: Zirocco Blue